Pete Emms
Leadership Consultant for successful Change, Creativity & Culture
ex-Morris Hargreaves McIntyre,
ex-United Utilities Plc.
past clients
Increase clarity & guidance when leading change. You're doing things differently, starting something new, letting go & moving forward. Focus on creating value as you move ideas through to delivery. Demystify the cultural conversations in your ways of working, communication practices & the mixed values of diverse teams. It’s a confusing world, but I can help make it more defined.
Pete’s expertise
Explore Pete's key skills, specialized expertise, and industry preferences below.
Areas I'm passionate about
As creative leaders with a shared commitment to quality, collaboration, and creativity, we're proud to pursue out most meaningful work and deliver the best every time.
Strategic guidance for times of change
Leadership advice & guidance - understanding the context for your change journey; establishing the right strategy & leadership style; adjusting the value focus & cultural dynamics; mixing & matching the best activities & processes.
Pete in action
See Pete Emms's work to see the extent of their creative portfolio.
I believe in Neol
A member of the Neol Creative Leaders community
Neol provides creative freedom guided by a strong sense of purpose. The global resource-base with its natural diversity of skills & knowledge facilitates creative development. The resulting flexibility can meet a wide range of client needs with individual solutions - this allows any organisation access. This rich complexity, combined with the right leadership skills to master the art of delivery holds great potential.