Daniel G Rego
Partner @ Intellectual & Co.
ex-Morgan Stanley,
ex-International Monetary Fund,
ex-Fannie Mae,
ex-Freddie Mac
I bring entrepreneurial hustle & boardroom polish to advise the world's leading institutions on how to brave this new century. Odds are, you've already experienced a product or service offered by one of my clients, ranging from startups and Fortune 500 companies to governments and nonprofits. My career is replete with leaps of faith, orchestrating order from chaos, & I'm ready to partner with you!
Daniel’s expertise
Explore Daniel's key skills, specialized expertise, and industry preferences below.
Areas I'm passionate about
As creative leaders with a shared commitment to quality, collaboration, and creativity, we're proud to pursue out most meaningful work and deliver the best every time.
Advisory on how to deliver products, services & experiences that customers love.
0I craft compelling visions paired with actionable strategies to unlock new chapters of sustainable growth. I activate those strategies by bringing to market human centered products, services, ventures and experiences.
I believe in Neol
A member of the Neol Creative Leaders community
Neol showcases that the world of consultancy is more effective when it is decentralized, empowered by a network, bespoke for the client and intensely solution focused.