Experience Design & Storytelling, Strategic Design Leader & Researcher
ex-RWS Entertainment Group,
ex-National Audubon Society
past collaborations
I believe we have the power to reimagine our world and co-create our better worlds through the art of having a good time. Driven by play, memory architecture, theatricality, and radical joy, my work goes beyond the screen to craft worlds, narratives, communities, programs, services, campaigns, and experiences meant to deepen connection and transform our practices for a better future.
Explore Brooke's key skills, specialized expertise, and industry preferences below.
As creative leaders with a shared commitment to quality, collaboration, and creativity, we're proud to pursue out most meaningful work and deliver the best every time.
Community-focused Transformational Experiences for Brands & Organizations
IRL Experience Design & Creative Direction • Design Research • Co-Creation & Participatory Processes • Play & Placemaking • Narrative Creation & Strategy • Joy-focused Design • Live Entertainment • Internal & External Change
See Brooke Viegut's work to see the extent of their creative portfolio.
Creative community is difficult to find, complex to enter, and nearly impossible to action. I'm curious, and thrilled, to see how the Neol allows us to blur the lines across industries and redefine the future of work and our world by working within this community of thinkers.