Employer Brand Director
ex-Pernod Ricard
past collaborations
Know how to make brands cool, fun, and desirable. Employer branding is B2C marketing with extra ethics involved. Know how to translate your culture into all things brand marketing and creative. Talent market research, strategy, value proposition, planning. Geek to the core, a proud nerd, an eloquent debater, a team player in computer games, a healer in Dungeons & Dragons, and an avid opera fan.
Explore Anna's key skills, specialized expertise, and industry preferences below.
As creative leaders with a shared commitment to quality, collaboration, and creativity, we're proud to pursue out most meaningful work and deliver the best every time.
Employer Value Proposition
Let`s use the power of research to highlight your culture and make it appealing to the talent.
See Anna Velykoivanenko's work to see the extent of their creative portfolio.
I believe that people deserve the best workplaces in mankind's history. People are the most valued asset of any business. Culture drives intrinsic motivation and inspires us to do the impossible. The ability to advertise your culture will define the talent you can hire and retain. This talent will make your business thrive or fade. Let`s create our tribes and roam the mountains of business success together.