
Arlin Tao

Business Design, Fractional Executive, Business Operation


ex-d.light design,  

ex-General Mills,  

ex-Proctor & Gamble 

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Arlin Tao

A creative leader, system thinker, and cross-culture connector, Arlin has held multiple leadership positions working with executives, leveraging design and business rigor to help organizations build the foundations critical for scaling. Arlin also has uncanny ability to has developed high performing teams and partnerships across cultures and background.

Arlin’s expertise

Explore Arlin's key skills, specialized expertise, and industry preferences below.

Business Design
Business Strategy
Organizational Design
Workshop Design
Strategic Planning
Learning & Organization Design
Strategy & Business Design
Project Management
Talent / HR
Product Management
Industry experience
Consumer Goods /Retail
Marketing & Advertising
Social Impact
Arlin Tao

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Areas I'm passionate about

As creative leaders with a shared commitment to quality, collaboration, and creativity, we're proud to pursue out most meaningful work and deliver the best every time.

A good education opens our eyes and enables possibilities and helps people imagine, pursue and get better and more inspired lives. A good education played a huge role in my own life story and I've also seen its magic on changing the course of others stories in magical ways in Africa, India, Vietnam and China. It's such a powerful thing that's not been equally shared and somehow been exclusive to a few, and there's huge opportunity still.


Business design


Participate in project work requiring business design, organizational design, financial modeling...etc.

Brand Strategy
Business Design
Design Thinking
Organizational Design
Arlin Tao

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